A motorcycle is a compact powerhouse, capable of getting you where you need to go in the most thrilling way possible. But sometimes your bike doesn’t fit you quite right and you need to find new parts, and new handlebars are a great place to start. We here at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson want your bike to match your needs, so we’ve put together a few tips on getting new handlebars for your motorcycle. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles and motorcycle parts we have for sale, contact our store in Eugene, Oregon, today!

Why New Handlebars?

Motorcycles can be a lot of fun, but they can also be pretty physically taxing. It’s a full-body workout just to ride it down the street, let alone across cities, states, or the country! Making sure all the parts match your needs and body can help keep down the excess stress on your muscles, and the right handlebars are a big part of that.

Or maybe you’re just not a fan of the look your handlebars give your bike. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of sizes and types to choose from!

The Right Diameter

If your hands are larger or smaller than the manufacturer expects, you might have trouble keeping a firm and stress-free grip on your handlebars. The typical sizes are ⅞” and 1” diameters, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it can make a big difference on longer riders. Try out both to make sure it’s as comfortable as you need, and consider going for a custom size if need be.

The Right Width

The width of the handlebars also makes a big difference. Ideally, you want ones that keep your hands as far apart as your shoulders, no more and no less. This creates a more natural resting place for your hands, reducing the amount of muscle you need to keep them where you need them. Too wide, and you risk wearing out your triceps. Too narrow, and your biceps are in trouble.

The Right Height

And of course, you need to consider the height of the handlebars. Many models have high-set handlebars called “ape hangers” that force you to lift your hands up to reach them. This creates an aesthetic that many riders love, but it also means your arms will get tired sooner. In essence, you need to decide whether you want your handlebars to match that aesthetic, or if you’d rather they were comfortable. Lower handlebars also make it easier to steer your motorcycle, increasing responsiveness.

We hope this guide helps you get the perfect handlebars for your needs! If you have any questions, want help finding the right handlebars, or just want to see our motorcycles, contact us at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson. We proudly serve the people of Albany and Corvallis, Oregon—let us serve you today!