When you need an efficient, compact, powerful, and thrilling ride, you need a motorcycle—but typical riding gear isn’t great year-round. Summertime makes wearing full helmets, black leather, boots, and gloves a pain, so we here at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson put together some tips to keep you cool and safe at the same time. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles and motorcycle accessories we have for sale, contact our store in Eugene, Oregon, today!


Whether it’s hot or not, you need a helmet to keep your head safe on your rides. We always recommend a full-face helmet, but they can be a bit stuffy in the summer. One solution is to find ones with extra ventilation and cooling features to increase airflow to your head and face. 

Another solution is to go with a half-helmet, but these are considerably more dangerous. You should only go for this option if you’re an experienced, safe rider.


Longer days and brighter sunshine can be nice, but your eyes might not agree. Sunglasses will help you keep your eyes safe from the light—and, if you choose to go with a half-helmet, they’ll also protect your eyes from the wind and airborne debris. If you’re going to wear a full-face helmet and don’t want the extra accessory, go with a helmet that has a tinted visor. 

Other Headwear

As cliche as it sounds, bandanas are great extra headgear for summer motorcycle rides. Your forehead will probably get sweaty on your ride, and you don’t want sweat dripping into your eyes. To avoid the discomfort and visual distraction, wear a bandana on your forehead to absorb and divert the sweat.

You might also consider dipping a neckerchief or another bandana in water and wearing it around your neck. As the water evaporates, it will cool you, even if the water you used wasn’t ice-cold!


Full-length outerwear is still important. It will protect your skin from brushing up against obstacles or getting scraped in the case of a crash, and in summertime it can also prevent sunburns. But black clothing will absorb light and heat, and leather can chafe if you get sweaty. 

Instead of your regular go-tos, try outerwear that’s more breathable or that has mesh and vents. Brighter colors will also help reflect light rather than attract it.


Finally, make sure you still wear supportive, full-coverage footwear. Light boots or sturdy shoes will do the trick, and for extra comfort, aim for a pair with extra ventilation and airflow to avoid baking your feet.

Your socks can also contribute to gross, sweaty feet, if you’re not careful. Go for lighter colors and moisture-wicking, cooling materials.

We hope we’ve helped you stay cooler this summer! For more tips, or to see the motorcycles and motorcycle accessories we have in stock, contact us at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson. We proudly serve the people of Albany and Corvallis, Oregon—let us serve you today!